Monday, March 26, 2012

Mainstream Monday: LOTS of Cassandra Clare news!!

Happy Mainstream Monday!!  Today is all about Cassandra Clare.  I’ve got two big things to tell you all about and one small that you all probably already know. 

We’ll start with the small.  It is less than two months until City of Lost Souls comes out!  I don’t know about all of you guys but I’ve been counting down since I read City of Fallen Angels.

Secondly, Cassadra Clare has signed a book agreement with Margeret K. McElderry books to publish her third shadow hunter’s series, set to come out in 2015.  The story picks up in L.A. after the events of The Mortal Insturments are over where we’ll follow shadow hunter Emma Carstairs, “most skilled shadow hunter since Jace Wayland”, and her shadowhunter friends.  This time around there will be no new, nonshadowhunters discovering the shadow world.  We’ll also get a glimpse of what the surving TMI characters are doing in their 20s. I’m really happy that after The Mortal Insturments and Infernal Devices there will be another series of shadow hunter book for me to emerse myself into because frankly, they are my favorite fantasy world to dive into and I’d have to reread TMI and ID over and over to satisfy that need.  

Lastly, as you may know, the City of Bones movie was put on hold for a bit due to the original director leaving the project.  Since then the movie rights have been moved from Screen Gem to Constantin and things are starting to move forward again. Marlene King, writer for abc family’s hit series Pretty Little Liars, is still the writer City of Bones and Lilly Collins is still playing the part of Clary Fray, which I’m excited about because I think she is so stinkin’ cute! Not only is she still one board but she gets a say so in who will be playing Jace and Simon.  Jamie Campbell Bower was originally supposed to play Jace and from my understanding, while Lily has already valched for him it’s not for certain.  Lastly, they are in the process of hiring a casting director and start shooting August 15 of this year!! I am soo PUMPED!  I’ll keep you guys updated on all of the details.
Note: all information for this posted was from Cassandra Clares own blog.

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