Friday, July 29, 2011

Review: Virtue by Amanda Hocking

“In a world filled with magic, love might be the final answer in the eternal battle between good and evil. When Lux is tasked with retrieving the virtuous Lily for his master, his entire world is put in jeopardy. Lux must battle goblins, demon dogs, and sea dragons to rescue the one he loves, and that's only the beginning of what he must face...”

I was beyond excited when I heard Amanda Hocking was coming out with a new book. When she said that she had posted it to Amazon, I was checking my phone and my Kindle every half hour to see if the book had uploaded yet. But after I began reading the book, I have to say I was a bit disappointed. The idea for the plot was fantastic! How she had selected people being a certain virtue, the idea of finding your opposite (such as lust and purity falling in love) and the classic idea of good and evil fighting for victory was brought about in an all new way. But the way she went about writing everything was just something I wasn’t a fan of. The characters weren’t personal, a bit too much insta-love and oblivious characters that made the story difficult to believe and get into- yes, even for a faerie tale.
For me, the book was difficult to finish reading, and the ending wasn’t one that had me excited that I forced myself through it. But I could see the book being great for a young teen audience vs. the young adult world.

My rating for this book:

Amanda Hocking lives in Minnesota with her best friend Eric. She is the author of the My Blood Approves series as well as the Trylle Trilogy. Hocking was recently signed by St. Martin’s Press and You can follow her at:
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