Wednesday, September 14, 2011

TV Week: Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries Season 3: Season of the Originals starts tomorrow and I AM PUMPED!!  It is my favorite T.V. show and with the vote as the 2010 sexiest cast by Victoria’s Secret there’s more to look at than just the T.V  screen.  

Season two ended with a bang.   Elijah betrayed  Elana and now Klause’s curse is broke and he is the ultimate monster.  Bonnie was able to save Jeremy but there was vast consequences, she brought Vikki and Anna back as some type of ghost as well.  Elana’s aunt and father were both killed leaving her and Jeremy officially orphans. Stefan was able to save Damon from the final death but at a high price; he is at Klause’s command at any given time and can no longer control his blood lust.  On top of that he’s stuck with Kathrine.  As for Caroline, her and Matt broke up and he knows what she and Tyler are.  But before they  made up, Matt told her mom that she’s and vampire and now Caroline’s mom is planning to hunt her.  The maker’s definitely managed to top the epic ending of season one.


The Vampire Diaries: Season Three “The Season of the Originals” is definitely going to be has crazy and jaw dropping as the past two.  You can view it on the CW, Thursday nights at 8/7 central. So are you guys fans already?  Maybe considering watching the new season? What do you think is going to happen next?

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